The Kitchn: Is Celebrity Alcohol the New Perfume? | Archer Roose
Archer Roose has been featured in The Kitchn to highlight Elizabeth Banks’ involvement with the brand and its overall success. The article reads:
Take Archer Roose: Founder and CEO, Marian Leitner-Waldman, added Elizabeth Banks as a partner, major investor, and CCO five years after its initial launch. “In 2020 when the pandemic hit, we realized we needed to take our marketing to the next level and connect with consumers in a fresh way,” says Leitener-Waldman, who noted that her team had always thought Banks would be the perfect person to rep their brand; canned wine is not something that should take itself too seriously, and neither does Banks. It worked: Archer Roose is now offered on JetBlue flights, so you can sip on a chilled Italian red from Friuli, Italy, on your way from Phoenix to Milwaukee.
Read the full article here!