Frequently Asked Questions
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My Orders
After you’ve successfully checked out, we will send you an order confirmation email, which will have your order number in it. Or, go to and sign into your Archer Roose account to see your order history, including the order numbers.
Once your order has been prepared for shipping or has shipped, we are unable to cancel, make any changes to the items in your order, or alter the delivery address.
You can see all of the delivery addresses you’ve used by signing into your Archer Roose account:
You will receive a confirmation email once Archer Roose receives your order. In that email, click View Your Order to track the status. Once your order ships, we will send you a shipment confirmation email with the UPS tracking number for your order.
Track the status of your shipment using the UPS tracking number on
Please inspect your order as soon as you receive it. If an item is damaged or if you receive the wrong product, contact us immediately at, so that we can evaluate the problem and make it right.
Shipping And Returns
For orders less than $99, we charge a flat $10 shipping fee. Orders over $99 will ship for free — simply choose the Free Shipping option at checkout.
Depending on where you live, your libations should arrive at your door just two to seven days after your order is placed. It’s rare, but, the pandemic or extreme weather events may cause local delays in shipping. Be sure to keep an eye on your tracking to follow your wine’s journey!
Yes. US laws require an adult aged 21 or older to sign for the delivery, as wine is an alcoholic beverage. Please make sure an adult will be present on the day your order arrives to receive it. We’d hate to see your cracking open a can of Archer Roose be delayed!
If you’re unable to sign for the delivery, UPS My Choice members can redirect the package to a UPS customer center or another location where someone can sign on your behalf. Unfortunately, you cannot sign online for delivery release as an adult signature is needed.
If you’ve already missed the delivery, you can sign the back of the UPS InfoNotice® slip and place it back where the driver left it.
Archer Roose ships to most contiguous states in the US, and we’re working to add more states soon. We currently are not able to ship directly to: Alabama, Delaware, Mississippi, Rhode Island, South Dakota or Utah. However, if you’re in Alabama, Delaware or Rhode Island, you can find Archer Roose at a store, bar or restaurant near you.
We are currently unable to ship internationally, but hope to in the future.
Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to ship to a PO Box.
Wine In Cans
Archer Roose cans are a generous 8.45 oz pour, while traditional wine pours are about 5 oz. So, one full can of Archer Roose can is about 1.69 “glasses” of wine.
Whatever the situation calls for — can, glass, or Dixie cup! However, our sense of smell is responsible for about 80% of what we taste, and wine glasses unlock more of a wine’s aromas. Archer Roose wines taste fantastic right out of the can, though sipping from a glass can give you a fuller sensory experience.
No, you cannot taste the aluminum. Each of our cans contains a food-grade liner that separates the metal can from the wine. This is a liner similar to what you see in canned beer. By packaging in this format, we are able to bring fresh, delicious wine to you!
Yes — our cans are highly recyclable! At Archer Roose we know that you want to feel good about the wine you drink. The global recycling rate for traditional glass bottles is only around 26.5%, while the global recycling rate for aluminum cans is 69%. Aluminum can be recycled and reused infinitely.
Refrigerate as you would bottled wine. For ideal taste, unopened wine should not be refrigerated until 1-2 days before drinking (though it’s perfectly fine to leave in the fridge until you drink it!). For outside of the fridge or longer-term storage, store as you would any wine: in a cool, dry spot (not on top of the fridge or anywhere near a heat source).
Great question! Printing vintage dates on the label is part of a tradition of bottle-aging wine. Since our wines are meant to be drunk fresh and right away, we don’t include the vintage. Also, by removing the vintage, we can avoid using additional shrink wrap or stickers needed to include the date information with our cans, which uses less packaging and makes our cans more easily recyclable.
About Our Wine
We consider our wines to be natural as Archer Roose practices low-intervention methods in the vineyard and the cellar. However, there is no legal/official definition of “natural” wine — it’s more of a concept than a well-defined category.
The industry generally accepts that natural wines are produced with agreed-upon attributes, such as organically farmed fruit, biodynamic principles, and without adding or removing anything during the vinification process. In the simplest terms: it’s wine made from unadulterated fermented grape juice and nothing else (like Archer Roose wines).
Core to our brand is bringing you a global portfolio. Because we make wine in different countries, they have different classifications of what it means to be organic. Our winemakers practice limited intervention to bring you high quality, sustainably sourced wines.
Nope! But our wine does contain sulfites, which are naturally occurring in wine and are in everything around us. Sulfites are generally blamed for causing reactions or headaches. In reality, these reactions are often caused by other chemical additives employed during the winemaking process. We are consciously craft all our wines by using as little additives as possible (#madewithout). That being said, if lots of wine is drunk, that headache may be unavoidable :).
Our wines are meant to be drunk fresh and right away, but our Bubbly wines have a shelf life of one year and our still wines have a shelf life of 18 months. You can find the “born on date” or the date of fill at the bottom of each can.
Each of our varietals are unique! Please check out each product page for specific nutritional information:
Yes! We use no animal products in the fining process or at any point throughout our wine’s production.
Yes, our wines are gluten-free. We’d like to think we’re keto-friendly, but we invite you to make your personal decision! You can see each of our wine’s nutritional information on their product page: