The Kitchn: Everything Elizabeth Banks Cooks in a Day | Archer Roose
Elizabeth Banks, co-owner and CCO of Archer Roose, was featured in The Kitchn to share what she eats in a day, as well as some of her favorite pairings for Archer Roose Wines. The editor noted:
"As co-owner and Chief Creative Officer of Archer Roose canned wine and a sangria stan, you can trust the drinks situation will also be chill. Elizabeth’s bar fridge is stocked with cans of chilled Malbec — “I think it tastes really crisp in your mouth when it’s a little cool” — Rosé, Bubbly, and Dr. Pepper. If mixed drinks are more your thing, she’d happily make you the Tinto de Verano saved in her inspo folder."
Read the full article here!